Andro what?

Andropause Homeopathy Health

Lo and behold, men just like women go through hormonal changes as they age. In men, this change is known as Andropause, also referred to as male menopause. This is a condition characterised by the gradual reduction of testosterone levels in men as they age, usually starting around the age of 40. 

How does andropause present?

Possible symptoms: 

Emotional and Psychological: 

Fatigue, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. 

Physical Changes: 

Decreased muscle mass and strength, reduced bone density, and increased body fat. 

Sexual Health:

Lower libido, erectile dysfunction, and reduced sexual performance. 

General Well-being: 

Reduced motivation, decreased energy levels, and sleep disturbances. 

Possible causes: 

1. Hormonal Decline: 

Gradual decrease in testosterone production. 

2. Lifestyle Factors: 

Poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic stress can exacerbate symptoms. 

3. Health Conditions:

Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can contribute to lower testosterone levels. 

Did I hear a silent scream or bellow? There are strategies in place to help manage the transition. 


Lifestyle Changes: 

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management can improve overall health and mitigate symptoms.

Medical Support: 

Regular check-ups and addressing underlying health issues are crucial. 

Feel at ease and know that andropause is a natural part of aging. Talking about it, understanding its effects and taking proactive measures can help men maintain their best health and quality of life during this transition. 

Let’s talk…

Disclaimer: The content featured on this blog serves solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is advisable to consult your physician or any other qualified healthcare provider for any queries concerning a medical condition.


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