Diagnosis and Monitoring
For a patient-centric approach to healthcare, clinical diagnosis is vital in understanding the patient's case and providing a tailored solution. Homeopathic case taking enhances the clinician's understanding of the case, resulting in individualised treatment protocols that cater to the patient's specific needs.
This technique involves the administration of injections to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. A prescribed treatment protocol consisting of four to six sessions could typically yields relief.
Homeopathic Dispensary
Homeopathy is a medical practice that takes a holistic and natural approach to treating illness. Unlike other methods that focus on a specific disease or affected body part, homeopathy views the person as a whole. Its remedies are sourced from natural elements such as minerals, plants, and animals, all of which are produced according to the recognised Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
Lifestyle Advice
Therapeutic lifestyle interventions are employed as a first line treatment modality for the management of chronic illnesses including, but not limited to metabolic disorders, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.